Un método novedoso para la detección en tiempo real de la expresión de proteínas 

Expresión de proteínas Se refiere a la síntesis de proteínas within cells using information contained in the DNA or gene. 

Proteínas are responsible for all the biochemical reactions that take place within the cell. Hence, it makes it necessary to study proteína function in order to understand cellular processes.  

This is currently studied based on using fluorescent proteínas as tags. However, this does not provide real time analysis as it requires maturation of chromophore that takes time and this causes a delay in investigation of real-time expression, especially for proteínas que son de naturaleza transitoria o efímera.  

Los investigadores informaron sobre una técnica novedosa en el servidor de preimpresión el 30 de julio de 2020 que puede superar esta limitación.  

The new study describes the use a fluorescent biosensor that enables real-time detection of proteína expression in vivo which has implications for understanding the spatiotemporal expression of proteínas within the living organism. This sensor is based on a dim green fluorescent proteína in which pre-existing fluorescence increases 11-fold in vivo following the specific and rapid binding of a proteína tag and enables detection of proteína expression within seconds in live cells. 

Método novedoso

Este biosensor will be useful to study biological processes in real-time where proteínas are either transiently expressed and/or to understand the expression and interactions of proteínas from a disease-causing organism such as bacteria or a virus with that of the host proteins. 


Eason MG., Pandelieva AT., Mayer MM., Et al 2020. Biosensor fluorescente codificado genéticamente para la detección rápida de la expresión de proteínas. Preimpresión: bioRxiv 2020.07.30.229633; DOI:  


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