La evidencia más antigua de existencia humana en Europa, encontrada en Bulgaria

Bulgaria ha demostrado ser el sitio más antiguo de Europa para humana existence by virtue of the present scientific evidence using high-precision carbon dating and analysis of proteins and DNA from the homimin remains excavated in the Bacho Kiro Cave, Bulgaria. Data analysis show that the remains are 47000 years old and belonged to Homo sapiens.

Is Bulgaria el centro más antiguo de humana evolución in Europa? Sí, en cuanto a la disponibilidad de evidencia científica de la presencia de los primeros Homo sapiens conocidos en Europa está preocupado. La literatura científica ha confirmado el hallazgo de los huesos de Homo sapiens más antiguos de Europa.

The excavation at the site of Bacho Kiro Cave, near Dryanovo monastery (a functioning monastery founded in 12th century) in the town of Dryanovo in central Bulgaria, has yielded the oldest humana remains ever to be found in the Europa, que se remonta a 47,000 años.

Hace unos 47,000 años, un grupo de los seres humanos. lived in the Bacho Kiro Cave. They lived on animals like bison, wild horses and cave bears. The cave has yielded lots of artefacts like ivory beads, pendants made with cave bear teeth, etc. and several hominin (belonging to the family hominids) remains including a molar tooth and several bone fragments.

Morphological analysis of the molar tooth suggested its humana origin. The rest of the hominin remains could not be initially confirmed whether they were of humana origin because all were too fragmented to be identified by appearance. The confirmation came from protein analysis (by study of amino acid sequences in the polypeptide chain in the protein extracted from the bone) using protein mass spectrometry. The researchers used accelerator mass spectrometer, the latest in carbon dating to an extensive dataset of excavated hominin and animal remains and produced a high-precision time-line of the site. The age of hominin remains was ascertained to 47,000 years. The analysis of the mitochondrial DNA extracted from the molar tooth and hominin bone fragments conclusively attribute the remains to modern los seres humanos..

These results provide evidence of the earliest humana presencia en Europa in the caves of central Bulgaria and establishes Bulgaria as the oldest central site of humana existencia en Europa.



1. Gibbons A., 2020. Los huesos de Homo sapiens más antiguos encontrados en Europa. Ciencia 15 de mayo de 2020: vol. 368, Edición 6492, págs. 697 DOI:

2. Hublin, J., Sirakov, N., 2020. Homo sapiens del Paleolítico superior inicial de la cueva de Bacho Kiro, Bulgaria. Naturaleza (2020).

3. Fewlass, H., Talamo, S. et al. 2020. Cronología del s. XIV para la transición del Paleolítico Medio al Superior en la cueva de Bacho Kiro, Bulgaria. Ecología y evolución de la naturaleza (14). DOI:


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